donate qurbani, zakat, sadqaat
Riffat Trust
رفعت ٹرسٹ
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اپنے والدین کی طرف سے عطیہ کریں۔
Donate Zakat Sadqaat & Food
زکوٰۃ ایک لازمی عطیہ ہے جو اسلام کے پانچ ستونوں میں سے ایک ہے۔ تمام اہل اور مالی طور پر مستحکم مسلمانوں کے لیے یہ فرض ہے کہ وہ اپنی دولت کا 2.5% سالانہ عطیہ کریں تاکہ وہ ضرورت مندوں کی مدد کریں۔ زکوٰۃ کے فنڈز آٹھ قسم کے لوگوں میں تقسیم کیے جاتے ہیں جن میں غریب، نادار، قرض دار اور دیگر شامل ہیں۔
Zakat is a compulsory donation that is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is an obligation for all able-bodied and financially stable Muslims to donate 2.5% of their wealth annually to support those in need. The Zakat funds are distributed to eight categories of people, which include the poor, the needy, those in debt, and others.
Our Services
In Islam, feeding the hungry and helping the poor is considered a virtuous act that brings many rewards in this life and in the hereafter. Allah SWT says in the Quran, “And they give food, despite their love for it, to the needy, the orphan, and the captive, [Saying], ‘We feed you only for the countenance of Allah. We wish not from you reward or gratitude.'” (76:8-9)
May Allah reward you for your efforts and bless you for your generosity. Keep up the good work!
Donate on behalf of your parents.
اپنے والدین کی طرف سے عطیہ کریں۔
یتیم لڑکیوں کی شادی کے لیے عطیہ کریں۔
غریب خاندانوں کی امداد کے لیے عطیہ کریں۔
جزاک اللّہ خیراً کثیرا واجراً کبیر

Rice Channa Dage Rs.14500/-
Rice 10 kg Channa 05kg for upto 100 persons

Rice Chicken Dage Rs.23000/-
Rice 10 kg Checken 06kg for upto 120 persons

Donate Cloths
Always remember poor families in the month of Ramzan & EiD on Festival

How to Pay
Pay Online
Direct Bank Payment
• Allied Bank Limited (Ptv) • BRANCH: OLD MARKET BRANCH • Account Title: HAROON QADEER • Account No. 00010005142300015 • IBN # PK04ABPA0010005142300015 • Swift Code : ABPAPKKARWP
Direct Bank Payment
• Allied Bank Limited (Ptv) • BRANCH: OLD MARKET BRANCH • Account Title: FAHAD KHAN • Account No.00-100-454060-40010 • IBN # PK90ABPA0010045406040010 • Swift Code : ABPAPKKARWP
Easypaisa Account
Pay directly from your Mobile phone through easypaisa account Haroon Qadeer +92-333-5194024
Scan a QR Code

Allied Bank Limited (Ptv).
• Account Title: FAHAD KHAN
• Account No.00-100-454060-40010
• IBN # PK90ABPA0010045406040010
• Swift Code : ABPAPKKARWP
for more info. Call 0333-5899032
Haroon Khan +92-333-5194024
Qari Abdul Hamid sb. +92-336-5130005